Configuration dialog


The General tab group allows to specify overall parameters which will be used during the reinforcement generation process.


The Selection tab provides selection of data source and concrete elements, for which the reinforcement will be generated.

  • Data Source

    The data source refers to the data base from which the design results (required reinforcement) will be obtained to create the reinforcement. Currently, there are two possibilities: SOFiSTiK database (.cdb) or Revit results packages. When SOFiSTiK database (.cdb) is selected, the desired design case is also defined.

  • Selection of model components

    The user has the possibility to pick specific model elements to create the reinforcement or include all the visible elements in the selection set. The selection set can be modified by means of the button “Select Elements”.



The Settings tab provides selection of constraints files. You can also decide whether visualization of the reinforcement will be generated automatically or not.

  • Constraints files

    The respective design rules files can be selected or opened in order to modify the constraints that will be applied to control the generation of reinforcement.

  • Other

    If “Create reinforcement diagrams” is checked a visualization of the reinforcement distribution will be automatically generated.

    Regarding the control points distance, it is pertinent to explain that during the generation of reinforcement in surface elements (walls and slabs) an underlying punctual grid that lies on the Element analytical model is created. The distance between these grid points is defined by the value given in this section.

    A finer grid will reflect more accurately the results stored on the data source but the computation time will increase as well.


Floors, Walls, Slabs

When floors, walls or slabs are included in the selection set, four tabs are included to the configuration dialog:

  • Top / Exterior - major direction

  • Top / Exterior - minor direction

  • Bottom / Interior - major direction

  • Bottom / Interior - minor direction


The major/minor direction is the one definied either in the SOFiSTiK database (.cdb) or in the results package.

These tabs allow you to control the generation of reinforcement on each particular layer and direction.

You can decide whether the current layer will be created or not, select diameter for base reinforcement and adjust configuration parameters for the supplemental reinforcement.

You can also choose the value for Reinforcement Factor to multiply required reinforcement area and increase or decrease an amount of generated reinforcement.



When beams are included in the selection set, three tabs are included to the configuration dialog:

  • Longitudinal upper

  • Longitudinal lower

  • Stirrups

The longitudinal reinforcement tabs (upper and lower) provide you to control the generation of reinforcement on each particular layer.

The stirrups tab set minimum quantities for the reinforcement distribution, since the software does not produce a constant sequence of physical reinforcement elements in this case.

The location of the longitudinal bars in beams with respect to the cross-section depends on the stirrup's geometry. That's why, both longitudinal and shear reinforcement must be generated together.

You can decide whether the base reinforcement will be generated or not and adjust configuration parameters supplemental reinforcement.

You can also choose the value for Reinforcement Factor to multiply required reinforcement area and increase or decrease an amount of generated reinforcement.



When columns are included in the selection set, two tabs are included to the configuration dialog:

  • Longitudinal upper

  • Stirrups

The longitudinal reinforcement tab provides you to control the generation of reinforcement in longitudinal direction. In the case of columns, there is only one tab focused on the longitudinal reinforcement, since it is assumed that usually a circumferential reinforcement is preferred for this kind of elements.

The stirrups tab set minimum quantities for the reinforcement distribution, since the software does not produce a constant sequence of physical reinforcement elements in this case.

The location of the longitudinal bars in beams with respect to the cross-section depends on the stirrup's geometry. That's why, both longitudinal and shear reinforcement must be generated together.

You can decide whether the base reinforcement will be generated or not and adjust configuration parameters supplemental reinforcement.

You can also choose the value for Reinforcement Factor to multiply required reinforcement area and increase or decrease an amount of generated reinforcement.



An asymmetrical reinforcement can be created by the definition in the data source. In this situation the given parameters will be applied to each layer generated by the software. Special consideration for particular layers can be incorporated into the constraints file.

Base reinforcement

The Base Reinforcement defines the reinforcement that presents a constant distribution along the model element and cover all its extensions.

The user can influence directly the choice of the base reinforcement through a set of dialogs where it is proposed defining its diameter and minimum bar amount or spacing depending on the reinforcement type.

Reference quantities, such as maximum required reinforcement and reinforcement ratio, are shown by the software in order to establish a comparison point and to allow the user to choose a suitable parameter set for the base reinforcement.
