C#: Read the node properties

Problem Description

In this example we will read the nodes data from the database.

Following values are extracted:

  • NR (node number)

  • INR (internal node number)

  • KFIX (degree of freedoms, bitwise encoded)

  • NCOD (additional bit code)

  • X (global X coordinate)

  • Y (global Y coordinate)

  • Z (global Z coordinate)

The nodes description can be found in CDBASE.CHM as shown in figure below:


The [INT] means that the data-type is integer. The data-type can easily be checked in the data-type list given in the example.

Problem Solution

A code example for C#:

static void Main(string[] args)
    int index = 0;
    int status = 0;
    // Define the path of the dlls
    string directory1 = @"C:\sofistik_installation\2020\SOFiSTiK 2020\interfaces\64bit";
    string directory2 = @"C:\sofistik_installation\2020\SOFiSTiK 2020";

    // Get the path
    string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("path");

    // Set the new path environment variable + SOFiSTiK dlls path
    path = directory1 + ";" + directory2 + ";" + path;

    // Set the path variable (to read the data from CDB)
    System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("path", path);

    // Connect to CDB, int sof_cdb_init  ( char* FileName, int Index);
    // Always use index 99, for more details see cdbase.chm
    index = sof_cdb_init(@"S:\test\read_nodes.cdb", 99);
    if (index < 0)
        Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Index = " + index + " < 0 - see clib1.h for meaning of error code");
    else if (index == 0)
        Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Index = " + index + " - The file is not a database");

    // Check if sof_cdb_flush is working
    status = sof_cdb_status(index);

    // print index and status
    Console.WriteLine("Index: " + index);
    Console.WriteLine("Status: " + status);

    // data as cs_node
     cs_node data;

    // get the length of the structure
    int datalen = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(cs_node));

    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,-14}", "NR") +
        string.Format("{0,-14}", "INR") +
        string.Format("{0,-14}", "KFIX") +
        string.Format("{0,-14}", "NCOD") +
        string.Format("{0,-14}", "X") +
        string.Format("{0,-14}", "Y") +
        string.Format("{0,-14}", "Z"));

    // the kwh = 20, kwl = 0, pos = 1
    while (sof_cdb_get(index, 20, 0, &data, ref datalen, 1) == 0)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,-14}", data.m_nr) +
            string.Format("{0,-14}", data.m_inr) +
            string.Format("{0,-14}", data.m_kfix) +
            string.Format("{0,-14}", data.m_ncod) +
            string.Format("{0,-14}", data.m_xyz[0]) +
            string.Format("{0,-14}", data.m_xyz[1]) +
            string.Format("{0,-14}", data.m_xyz[2]));

        // check again for the length
        datalen = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(cs_node));

    // use sof_cdb_flush() and sof_cdb_close()
    // close the CDB

    // Output the status after closing the CDB
    if (sof_cdb_status(index) == 0)
        Console.WriteLine("CDB Status = 0, CDB closed succesfully");
        Console.WriteLine("CDB Status <> 0, the CDB doesn't closed successfully");

    Console.Write("Press <ENTER> key to close the application...");

The example can be found by following:

C:\<sofistik_installation>\2020\SOFiSTiK 2020\interfaces\examples\c#\read_nodes