C#: Connect to CDB

Problem Description

To connect to the CDB, the project must be configured. The example bellow shows how to connect to the CDB.

Problem Solution

// Connect to CDB, int sof_cdb_init  ( char* FileName, int Index);
// Always use index 99, for more details see cdbase.chm
index = sof_cdb_init("S:\\test\\test.cdb", 99);
if (index < 0)
    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Index = " + index + " < 0 - see clib1.h for meaning of error code");
else if(index == 0)
    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Index = " + index + " - The file is not a database");
status = sof_cdb_status(index);

Console.WriteLine("Index: " + index);
Console.WriteLine("Status: " + status);

An example can be found by following:

C:\sofistik_installation\2022\SOFiSTiK 2022_dev\interfaces\examples\c#\connect_to_cdb

The folder contains:

  • Properties (folder)

  • app.config

  • program.cs

  • sofCDB.csproj

Run the sofCDB.csproj and change the CDB path.

index = sof_cdb_init("S:\\test\\test.cdb", 99);