
Opens the constraints files to define conditional logic or equations to generate the reinforcement.

  1. Click Reinforcement tab > Reinforcement Generation panel > Constraints drop-down icon_Constraints

  2. Choose which constraints file you want to open.

    • Beam/Column

    • Slabs/Walls

Constraints file opens in text editor.

$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ CONSTRAINTS FILE FOR SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation
$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ This file is divided in the following 3 parts:
$ A: Description of all valid parameters
$ B: General User Definitions
$ C: Definitions according "DIN EN 1992-1-1:2005-10"

$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ internal definitions needed by sof_rcd (not to be changed by user)
$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$ weighting factors ( >1.0 increases effect, <1.0 decreases effect, 0.0 no effect)
$ F1: try to use as less bars as possible (increase rather diameter than number)
$ F2: try to reduce difference between inserted and required reinforcement
$ F3: try to avoid using multiple layers of reinforcement (bending beams only)
$ F4: prefer to use same diameter for base and supplemental reinforcement
$ F5-F8: reserved
W_FACTORS = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]