Add scale

../../../_images/aendern_massstab_hinzufuegen.png Add scale




Erzeugt weitere Beschriftungsmaßstäbe bei maßstabsabhängigen Elementen.


SOFiCAD > Konstruieren, SOFiCAD > Bemaßung

Erzeugt weitere Beschriftungsmaßstäbe bei maßstabsabhängigen Elementen.

This applies to texts, hatching, and dimensions.

Dimensions, texts and hatching can only be seen in the viewport in which they were defined. With the command “Add scale” these elements can be marked and transferred to another viewport.

Rework is then required. The handles are helpful. Changes made using handles only have an effect in the current viewport.

If the windows are on different layouts, you can assign the scales to the individual objects (dimensions, texts, hatching) via the model area. After the selection of the objects, the target scale is asked.

If changes are made via the property window, the current scale is specified in the “Label scale” line.