About manual#

The CDB Manual is divided into different parts depending on the programming language that is used:

Also the CADINP @KEY CDB access is described in CADINP part of this manual:

In the ‘’Example Problem Description’’ the examples are explained, but the programming solution (with code) can be found by following the specific parts of this manual (VBA, Python, Fortran, C#, C++, VB.NET…).


Please note that we do NOT support any program code written by our customers. We provide the interfaces, but we will NOT do any support for third-party software.

The main purpose of the CDB Interfaces documentation is to show the possibilities and technically advantages of SOFiSTiK. It is possible to create own applications, e.g. by using Teddy, sps.exe (runs the modules by reading Teddy .dat file) and own application for reading the CDB the user can do what SOFiSTiK doesn’t support.

You can read the data, manipulate with it and do own calculations, own design checks and much more. It will be also shown how to work with text files in Teddy. It is possible to create own functions in combination with sps.exe. Unfortunately the access and manipulation with data is NOT user-friendly and requires advanced programming and SOFiSTiK knowledge.

The second difficult part is to properly decode the SOFiSTiK data. Some values are encoded by using bitwise operations. A small example is prepared. Please refer to the corresponding parts of this manual (the programming language that you are interested in).