Create a Diagram Output#

In the provided videos we will show, how you can create and manage the diagram item.

For this purpose the Result Viewer stand-alone application will be used. The Result Viewer can be also opened as a SSD task, but the principle how to work with the graphic items is same.

As an example we will show 2 different videos that will focus on how to:

  1. Create a My bending moment diagram along a design element.

  2. Create predefined diagrams by using the “Diagram Assistant”.

See also

Before watching the provided videos, we highly recommend to see Getting Familiar with the Document Window where we have explained:

  • how to manage the document tree,

  • how to add new diagram items to the document tree.

See also

Please refer to Diagram in case you want to find more details about each command from the “Diagram” ribbon menu.


My bending moment diagram along a design element#

In the video below, we will show:

  • how to create a diagram from scratch,

  • how to modify the series properties.

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Create predefined diagrams by using the diagram assistant#


The video is currently under production. Please come back soon!