Create and Manage Filters#


For the new major release 2022 we have made a complete redesign of filters with focus on faster input, combination of multiple filters and improved visibility. We hope that you will like the new feature!

See also

To learn how to use the table ribbon menu, please refer to Create a Table Output.
In case you want to learn how to use the Export to XLSX or CSV, then please refer to Export Results to Excel.
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Relational Operators#




equal (default if nothing is specified)


not equal


greater than


less than


greater than or equal


less than or equal

Logical NOT#




The logical NOT (!) operator (logical complement, negation) takes truth to falsity and vice versa.

! at beginning inverts other filter conditions, e.g.

  • ![1;2] is the negation of [1;2] or

  • !<=3 is the negation of <=3 or

  • … etc.





Any number of characters


Any one character

The wildcard ? and * can be used on columns that contain text and integer values.

Range Filter#


Short description


Range filter between FROM and TO, include both values


Range filter between FROM and TO, include FROM, but exclude TO


Range filter between FROM and TO, include TO, but exclude FROM


Range filter between FROM and TO, exclude both values


  • [1;5] = range between 1 and 5, including 1 and 5

  • ]1;5[ = range between 1 and 5, excluding 1 and 5

  • ]1;5] = range between 1 and 5, excluding 1, but including 5

  • [1;5[ = range between 1 and 5, excluding 5, but including 1

Loop filter#


Short description


Filter all values by using a loop with an increment.


  • (1;5;1) = will filter 1,2,3,4,5

  • (1;5;2) = will filter 1,3,5

  • (1;5;3) = will filter 1,4

Please note that the “Loop filter” works only on columns that contains integer values.

Special filter#

Extreme values#


The documentation regarding “extreme values” filter is still under development. A video is coming soon…