
With the help of the SOFiCAD stair module, it is possible to construct wooden staircase and solid staircases based on any floor plan situation. The resulting drawing data can be used in both 2D and 3D.

In addition to the construction of any staircase, a number of standard stair types are offered in the stair catalogs, which can be varied using various parameters.

Additional functions include tracking stairs, changing the design parameters when the geometry of the stairs changes, and creating cuts and unwinding the stairs.


The construction of a staircase follows the following steps:

  • Define the floor plan

  • Entry of general staircase parameters

  • Possibility of warping

  • Lettering of the stairs

  • constructive training

  • More options

The staircase construction program assumes that the staircase will fit into an existing floor plan. After calling the command, the following parameters are queried:

  • two stair boundaries (handrail side, other side)

  • the location of the entry and exit

  • the boundary edges of pedestals to be observed (if available)

The parameters mentioned should be available as polylines in the drawing before calling the stair program. They can also belong to other components (e.g. wall lines) because a copy of the elements shown is made.

There are two ways of specifying the course of the running line: First, the running line can be drawn as a polyline beforehand and can therefore be designed individually. On the other hand, the program makes it possible to only show the distance of the running line from the handrail side. The running line is then generated automatically.

Since it is rarely possible to fit a staircase exactly into the floor plan, it is necessary to specify edges that can be slightly variable. When inquiring whether an edge is variable, the affected edge is highlighted by a yellow border. Each stair arm contains such a variable edge.


../../../_images/bauen_treppen_standards.png Standards




Legt die Randbedingungen für Treppenkonstruktionen fest.


SOFiCAD > Bauen

Legt die Randbedingungen für Treppenkonstruktionen fest.

All dimensions in the Stair dialog box (as in the following) are given in meter [m] . The total height of the stairs to be overcome must be specified in the Height field. As a rule, this is the floor height (prefabricated dimension). Based on the floor height entered, the 3rd and 4th parameters are calculated, depending on which 2nd parameter (e.g. slope height or number of steps) is specified. The slope multiplied by the number of slopes must be the height. The number is therefore specified over the entire staircase (not per arm of the staircase). The level of the structure at which the stairs should begin is indicated at the level.


If an optimal value is to be calculated for the tread dimension, the number of slopes must be entered or confirmed.

If the “Check the regulations” option is checked in the dialog box for the general staircase parameters, the SOFiCAD staircase module offers the option of having the staircase construction process checked according to boundary conditions (increment, convenience). The set boundary conditions can be modified by calling the command and always apply to a drawing.


../../../_images/bauen_treppen_abwicklung.png completion




Mit diesem Befehl kann von einer Treppe mit einer 3D-Konstruktion eine Abwicklung erzeugt werden.


SOFiCAD > Bauen

Mit diesem Befehl kann von einer Treppe mit einer 3D-Konstruktion eine Abwicklung erzeugt werden.

After calling this command, the stairs to be unwound must first be shown.

Track the cut#

../../../_images/bauen_treppen_schnitt_nachfuehren.png Track the cut




Der Befehl aktualisiert den vorhandenen Treppenschnitt.


SOFiCAD > Bauen

Der Befehl aktualisiert den vorhandenen Treppenschnitt.


../../../_images/bauen_treppen_schnitt.png cut




Befehl erstellt Schnitte und Ansichten von 3D Treppen.


SOFiCAD > Bauen

Befehl erstellt Schnitte und Ansichten von 3D Treppen.

Construction free#

../../../_images/bauen_treppen_konstruktion_frei.png Construction free




Mit diesem Befehl kann eine beliebige Treppe anhand von Polylinien und Linien erstellt werden.


SOFiCAD > Bauen

Mit diesem Befehl kann eine beliebige Treppe anhand von Polylinien und Linien erstellt werden.

Standard stairs#

../../../_images/bauen_treppen_standard.png Standard stairs




Öffnet den Treppen Katalog für Standardtreppen mit dem DesignCenter.


SOFiCAD > Bauen

Öffnet den Treppen Katalog für Standardtreppen mit dem DesignCenter.

To change#

../../../_images/bauen_treppen_aendern.png To change




Zur nachträglichen Änderung der 3D-Konstruktion und zur Zuordnung eines 3D-Konstruktionstyps zu einer 2D-Darstellung.


SOFiCAD > Bauen

Zur nachträglichen Änderung der 3D-Konstruktion und zur Zuordnung eines 3D-Konstruktionstyps zu einer 2D-Darstellung.

After the corresponding staircase has been shown, the construction type is queried and the staircase is newly constructed.


../../../_images/bauen_treppen_nachfuehren.png Tracking




Führt geänderte Treppen nach.


SOFiCAD > Bauen

Führt geänderte Treppen nach.

Changes the walking line, the warping of the steps and general staircase parameters.

If the floor plan situation changes afterwards, and parts of the stairs have been stretched, or the floor height has to be changed, an existing staircase can be “adjusted”. By calling the command and showing the staircase to be tracked, it is possible to redefine the running line, to warp the steps again, and to change the general staircase parameters.