Thermal Analysis of a Steel Section (I-Profile)#


This tutorial deals with a Thermal Analysis of a Steel Section I-profile. The geometry of the cross section is entered graphically via cross-section editor CSE in SOFiPLUS.


A basic SOFiSTiK knowledge is required for this tutorial. Inside this tutorial we show only the project specific workflows, which are different from the basic workflow.


  • Starting a new project

  • Define Materials

  • Define Cross Section via CSE

  • Define Fire Load via Thermal Analysis

Project Description#

Steel Section - Temperature Distribution

Steel Section - Temperature Distribution (click to enlarge)#






Structural Steel

S 235

Cross sections#





Rolled Steel

HEB 300

Design code#

This tutorial is based on Eurocode DIN EN 1993.

Step by Step Instructions#

Project Overview#

  • Create a new SSD project based on DIN EN 1993

  • Create the required materials

  • Create a new solid cross section with task Cross Sections ‣ New Solid Section ‣ Composite or Steel

  • Generate Cross Section inside SOFiPLUS with Cross Section Editor

    • Insert a standard rolled steel profile into the current section

    • For Fire Design you have to save the mesh in a subdirectory

    • Save the section

  • In SSD insert the task Thermal Analysis

  • Define fire curve, time, protection class, etc.

  • With OK you can start the thermal analysis

Starting a new project#

See chapter Start New Project in General Workflow description.

Defining materials#

Generate all necessary materials listed above. Follow the procedures explained in chapter Material Definition in General Workflow description.

Defining cross sections#

The steel section will be defined graphically with the cross-section editor in task_sofiplus_small SOFiPLUS(-X).

Cross Sections -> New Solid Section -> Composite or Steel

Insert Cross Section - New Solid Section

Insert Cross Section - New Solid Section (click to enlarge)#

task_sofiplus_small SOFiPLUS(-X) will open and you are asked to provide a name and define the material for the section:

New Solid Section - Section Properties - General

New Solid Section - Section Properties - General (click to enlarge)#

To enable the section for thermal analysis, it is necessary to save the mesh in a subdirectory.

New Solid Section - Section Properties - Analytical Parameters

New Solid Section - Section Properties - Analytical Parameters (click to enlarge)#

After setting up the cross section properties, insert a standard Rolled Steel Shapes profile into the current section.

New Rolled Steel Shapes

New Rolled Steel Shapes (click to enlarge)#

Insertion point is (0.00, 0.00)

|SOF+| - Cross Section Editor

task_sofiplus_small SOFiPLUS(-X) - Cross Section Editor (click to enlarge)#


For I-profiles there are already predefined flammable edges (Z-,Z+,Y-…). For other steel profiles, these edges still need to be defined.

Edge Property Set of Cross Section

Edge Property Set of Cross Section (click to enlarge)#

Defining fire load via thermal analysis#

In SSD insert the task Thermal Analysis. Then define the fire curve, time, protection class, etc.

GUI Thermal Analysis

GUI Thermal Analysis (click to enlarge)#

With OK you can start the thermal analysis. The result of calculation is now available in the Report.

Report Thermal Analysis - Temperature Profile

Report Thermal Analysis - Temperature Profile (click to enlarge)#

Since version 2020 it is now possible to check the graphical results (GRAPHIC) of the subsystem directly.

Graphic Thermal Analysis - Temperature Profile

Graphic Thermal Analysis - Temperature Profile (click to enlarge)#