Variable reinforcement statements

../../../_images/B1_STVAR.png SOF_B_RCSTVAR




Erstellt Stabstahl-Auszüge für in schrägen Schalungen liegende Stäbe




Bewehrung > Stabstahlauszüge zeichnen

TOOLTIP Erstellt Stabstahl-Auszüge für in schrägen Schalungen liegende Stäbe

Steel bars with different lengths for laying. A start and end dimension can be specified as limits or the lengths of the individual bars can be calculated by the program from two limits using polylines.

A condition for variable Barmark Views is therefore an existing Barmark View in the drawing. A total average (iM) is then given on the Barmark-View-block. Several variable partial dimensions and different summaries of the partial dimensions are possible. A table of the individual lengths, required to manufacture the rebars, is automatically inserted into the drawing. The information from position management is obtained for the bending list. If necessary (e.g. lack of space) the table can be hidden. You can set this in the Variable rebar grouping dialog box. The different partial lengths are determined by clicking on the two outermost formwork edges, by entering the limit dimensions with numerical values or by specifying the limit edges.