Rebar Container

A SOFiSTiK Rebar Container is a group of rebar sets with the same rebar shape, bar diameter and material in one host. The tools Group, Stretch/Trim, Align and Explode can combine rebar sets to a rebar container.

The advantages of using rebar containers are

  • Individual annotation and detailing styles can be achieved.

  • Combined bars with variable segment lengths in schedules.

  • Improved performance by combining multiple rebars.

  • Customized rebar set’s alignment and layout

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Available Container Types

Depending on the distribution and layout of the combined rebar sets, a distinction is made between the following container types.



Layout Rules
  • All rebars have the same length

  • Bending planes of all rebars have to be parallel

  • Beginning (or end) of all of the rebars need to lay on the the common straight line.

  • Rebars have to be perpendicular to distribution line

  • Spacing between all the rebars has to be equal

SOFiSTiK_Moved_RebarSet with Special Layouts

Layout Rules
  • All rebars have the same length

  • Bending planes of all rebars have to be parallel

You can create the following special layouts by grouping two rebar sets (or rebar containers) with equal spacing between all bars.
  • SOFiSTiK_Moved_RebarSet_Segmented

  • SOFiSTiK_Moved_RebarSet_Alternate

  • SOFiSTiK_Moved_RebarSet_Alternate_Staggered


SOFiSTiK_Variable_RebarSet with Special Layouts

Layout Rules
  • Bending planes of all rebars have to be parallel

You can create the following special layout by grouping two rebar sets (or rebar containers) with equal spacing between all bars.
  • SOFiSTiK_Variable_RebarSet_Alternate



Layout Rules
  • Bending planes of all rebars intersect in one line.

The rebar container SOFiSTiK_Polar_RebarSet will be created by the Explode tool at a Path Reinforcement along an arc.


The rebar container SOFiSTiK_General will be created if none of the other layout rules apply.

Rebar Layout Types (Beta)

A SOFiSTiK Rebar Layout is a group of rebars with the same rebar shape, bar diameter and material. The SOFiSTiK Rebar Layout Types allow individual annotation and detailing styles.


Currently, the SOFiSTiK Rebar Layout Types can be created by the Group (Beta) tool only. The new Layout Types will replace the classic Rebar Container entirely in future.

Available Rebar Layout Types

  • Single

  • Moved

  • Moved_Segmented

  • Variable

  • Polar


You can check the detected SOFiSTiK Layout type in the rebar parameter SOFiSTiK_Layout.