Edge Releases#

Modifies the edge conditions of analytical panels. The command highlights the panel edges available in the project for selection. After validation of the selection with Finish, the Edge releases of slab/wall Window opens. There you can adjust the release of the selected edges.


When using the release condition custom, a spring stiffness can be defined for the rotation around the edge. A line spring connection is then generated there.


Edge Releases places additional properties on Revit’s edge of analytical panels. You can control the number and position of edges of a Revit element by editing its boundaries.

Getting Started with Edge Releases#

Title: SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design for Revit: Definition of edge releases | Quality: 1080p HD | Captions: English

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This video shows how to use SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design’s Edge Releases to define wall-to-slab hinges in a Revit model.

A very simple Revit model illustrates the workflow. It has two levels joined by wall elements. We focus on the modelling of the upper level with two slabs, symbolizing for instance, a balcony slab attached to a main floor slab.

Revit alone does not provide properties to adjust line releases between elements. Therefore, by default, in the Finite Element model generated from Revit all panel-to-panel edges are fixed. SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design allows to enrich the Revit model and add new properties to line edges to create other types of edge conditions.

The first method is to:

  • Select an element

  • Go to SOFiSTiK Structural Properties

  • For the property Edges, click on Edit

In the dialog, all edges of the element are listed. If you click on them, the corresponding edge is highlighted in the model. Set the release condition you would like to have and click on OK to validate the new properties. Run the analysis anew and open animator_small SOFiSTiK Visualization to see the Finite Element model and the changes.

This method is very precises but sometimes too slow when adjusting the edges in large models.

A second method is available. It can change the edge properties of several elements at the same time. In SOFiSTiK Analysis, under group Utilities, start the Edge Releases. In the active Revit view, all edges are highlighted and available for selection.

  • Select the edges you want to release - here Revit functions can be helpful to facilitate your selection

  • Click on Finish to validate the selection and display the Edge Release dialog

  • Set the edges as Hinged

  • Click on Finish to validate the properties

Analyse the Revit model again and open the animator_small SOFiSTiK Visualization. Now the Finite Element model shows hinges according to the newly defined properties.

Advanced Modelling of Edge Releases#

Title: SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design for Revit: Advanced edge releases | Quality: 1080p HD | Captions: English

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This video highlights the use of SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design’s Edge Releases. The adjustment of a complex panel-to-panel edge in the Revit model is shown.

The simple Revit model of the video Definition of Edge Releases illustrates the workflow. Here, we want to define an edge, where the extremities are free and the center part presents a rotational stiffness.

First, we modify the definition of the slabs boundaries to create divisions in the edges. We will need them in a later step.

  • Select the smaller panel and click on Edit Boundaries to display the panel’s definition

  • Use Revit’s Split command to divide the boundary line into three sub-lines

  • Validate the new boundary definition

Then, in SOFiSTiK Analysis, under group Utilities, start the Edge Releases. In the active Revit view, all available edges are highlighted and available for selection.

  • Select the two outermost edges of the small panel (which we just defined)

  • Click on Finish to validate the selection and display the Edge Release dialog

  • Set the edges as All released

  • Click on Continue to go back to the selection

  • Now, select the central portion of the small slab

  • Here we define a rotational spring stiffness

  • Finally click on Finish to validate the previous adjustments

Analyse the Revit model again and open the animator_small SOFiSTiK Visualization. Now the Finite Element model shows releases and springs according to the newly defined properties.

Furthermore, clicking again on Edge Releases allows to check visually the properties of your edges thanks to a colour coding.


The YouTube tutorial videos are recorded with resolution 1920x1080 (1080p HD), therefore it is recommended to set the YouTube Quality to 1080p when watching the videos.

The video contains English captions, therefore you can follow the online video without audio.