Release Notes#

The following list presents new features and issues resolved within SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design. These issues are often directly reported by our users by contacting the support_assistant_small SOFiSTiK Technical Support or the SOFiSTiK Communities.


For the optimal product experience we highly recommend to work with its latest

2023-9 Update Release (02.02.2024)#


  • Improved the creation of subsystems via Subsystem View by Levels, now also including hosted loads on supporting elements such as columns and walls. 220561

2023-8 Update Release (01.12.2023)#

  • General adjustments in the display of the user interface.

Bug Fixes#

  • Fixed an issue where one drop-down of the dialogue-box SOFiSTiK material did not follow the correct language. 218689

  • Fixed an issue where line loads oriented according to the local coordinate system of analytical panels were not exported correctly.

  • Fixed issues in beam design linked to insufficient numerical precision.

  • Show Results and the Dynamo package: corrected how columns’ shear reinforcement results are read from the SOFiSTiK database.

  • Improved how material mapping reacts to changes and to being invalidated.

2023-6 Update Release (04.08.2023)#


  • Small improvement in the automatic Load Nature mapping in projects with Italian and French design codes.

  • Load Pattern: from now on, an error message warns the user when the sum of all divided loads do not match the original load.

  • In the reports of Slab Design, the orientation of the slab’s top views is defined explicitly instead of using Graphic’s default.

Bug Fixes#

  • Corrected an issue where IDs of elements from a linked project were not handled properly. 214741

2023-4 Update Release (31.03.2023)#

Bug Fixes#

  • Corrected a tolerance issue where the source subsystems were not recognized accurately for the Load Takedown. 211617, 211722, 211936, 211953

  • Improved how loads are exported for hosted loads which host is not visible in the system. 211204

2023-3 Update Release (10.02.2023)#


  • The new command Remove Subsystem Information allows to remove a SOFiSTiK subsystem without deleting the underlying 3D Revit view.

  • Improved the detection of the Subsystem Above and Subsystem Below.

Bug Fixes#

  • Corrected an issue where user-defined SSD templates were not handled properly. 209212

  • Improved algorithm for Load Pattern handles better loadings with geometric inaccuracies.

  • General improvements in Show Results.

2023-2 Update Release (09.12.2022)#


  • New SOFiSTiK properties Variable Thickness and the corresponding Thickness by Edge are available for Analytical Panels. They allow to model panels of varying thickness.

  • Slab and Wall Strip Design Elements - the definition of design locations has been extended to type Support.

  • From now on, the protocol file (*.prt) opens when a calculation breaks in an error. The protocol file provides detailed information on the source of the error.

  • A notification is returned when Load Pattern cannot divide loads properly because of geometric inaccuracies.

Bug Fixes#

  • Improved behaviour of load Action Mapping when a load case contains exclusively the automatically generated self weight. 207512

  • Corrected an issue where linked elements, which were not visible in the view, still generated Finite Elements.

  • Corrected an initialisation issue for material mapping which sometimes lead to cross sections with As,min = 0.00.

2023-1 Update Release (07.10.2022)#


Attribute Lines are introduced to Revit models.

Attribute Lines are analytical members which do not host a cross section (Revit property Section Type is set to <none>). With their SOFiSTiK properties, they can be placed freely in the Revit model and play the the role of helping elements in many workflows such as:

  • Host for boundary conditions - allowing to define point and line boundary conditions freely anywhere in the model.

  • Host for loads - allowing to define precisely point and line loads anywhere in the model.

  • Constraint line - guiding the automatic meshing of panels.

  • Reference element - allowing to create a point or line element with a specific SOFiStiK number anywhere in the model. This reference is available in the SOFiSTiK Structural Desktop to extend the model or for evaluation purposes.

Further new features:

  • New SOFiSTiK properties are available for Analytical Members which placement is set to Eccentric. These new properties allow to define the value of the eccentricity at the start and end of the member.

  • Some meshing errors and warnings from module SOFiMSHC are now returned in the warning dialog allowing to evaluate them in the context of the BIM model.

Bug Fixes#

  • Corrected an issue where the local coordinate system of Shear Walls was flipped.

  • General improvement for models which include linked projects. 203733

  • In Show Results, the position of the legend in views is now saved, even when Revit is closed and opened again. 202292

  • Fixed issue in Show Results where results were displayed also for elements hidden in the active view.

  • Fixed issue leading to incorrect generation of subsystem supports in views where counterpart elements were visible.

  • Improvement of cross section mapping for members with association.

  • Improvement of the meshing option Refinement at short edges to provide a linear increase of the refinement effect.

  • A problem when switching the language of the user interface has been fixed, it affected the language of the SOFiSTiK Structural Desktop templates.

  • Corrected an issue where the shared parameter SOFiSTiK_EffectiveWidth was created for the wrong categories.

2023-0 Release (22.07.2022)#


For projects generated with a previous SOFiSTiK major release, the data will be updated.
In such case please check carefully the system and its mappings after upgrade.
After upgrading, projects cannot be opened with a previous major release anymore.


Starting with version 2023, Revit introduces a new approach to structural analytical modelling.

With it, new analytical elements are introduced, providing the engineer with more control, more accuracy and more flexibility over the modelling of its analytical system(s). Accordingly, SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design for Revit 2023 evolved to fully support these new elements and the workflows they enable.

Whether working in a Contextual Analytical Modelling, in an Analytically Driven Modelling, or any workflow in between; SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design continues enabling the structural analysis of buildings and member design with Autodesk® Revit®. It continues generating SOFiSTiK Finite-Element models starting directly from within Revit and therefore unlocking further the benefits of a BIM-based structural analysis, leveraging all new possibilities and advantages offered by an independent analytical model.

The workflow to manage Main System and Subsystems has been reworked to ensure optimal usability while answering to the new context set by an independent analytical model.

  • With System View, a new property panel is introduced, displaying SOFiSTiK’s system properties linked to the active Revit view.

  • The What you see is what you get principle is conserved: all valid analytical elements, design elements and functional lines visible in the view will be transferred to the SOFiSTiK Finite Element Model at calculation.

  • In Subsystems views, the new properties Highlight: Supporting Elements and Edit: Components Selection allow to display and adjust the analytical elements which are transformed into boundary conditions when generating the active subsystem.

  • The shared parameters linked to subsystems are obsolete and have been removed.

Further new features:

  • Material Mapping has been reworked, together with a revised clearer dialogue, it is now possible to assign to each Revit concrete material both a SOFiSTiK concrete and a SOFiSTiK reinforcing steel. Furthermore, the assignment algorithm was improved to re-use fitting existing SOFiSTiK materials when available instead of generating new ones.

  • Section Mapping has been reworked with a revised, clearer dialogue displaying e.g. the type of cross section which will be generated. Here also, the assignment algorithm was improved to re-use fitting existing SOFiSTiK cross sections when available instead of generating new ones.

  • The property panel for Building Core introduces the new property Section Elevation allowing to define at which elevation the wall’s layout defines the geometry of the cross section.

  • The creation of cross sections with complex shapes has been improved (especially for building core cross sections).

See also

During the upgrade process of files from releases prior to Revit 2023, the analytical model is subject to some changes.